Your Prophetic Word Enhance Your Visions
Its time for your Prophetic Word, Your personal prophecy to start to enhance your visions for your life.
Stop Visualizing yourself not having nothing in your life.
Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. Ephesians 4:29
If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude. Don’t complain these are the words of a great poet Maya Angelou. How do you see your life? In life, we value things with the way we see them. In fact, as I am writing this today for I just had a vision for the people of God’s life. Its time for your personal prophecy to enhance your visions. When you go to groceries or department stores, the price tag only becomes an issue to you if it does not seem to fit your perception of the value of the item is that correct? The worth of the item is not really its price but on how you perceive it. When a thing is valuable to yourself, you become more willing to pay whatever it costs. In relation to our stand, our perception matters most. If you look at yourself as mediocrity, then that will be your worth. However, if you see yourself better and bigger, then you will become that value as well. The problem with most people is that sometimes we base our lives and worth with the people around us or with the price tag that others attached to us. This could remain a problem if you do not change the way you visualize yourself. Here is what God is saying about your enhance vision:
“I hear the word of the Lord saying that this is going to be the day when I begin to change your view of yourself and your life. I now bring you to a new understanding of who I am in you, and the value that I am going to cause you to discover of your life in this season saith the Lord. You are a gift that has been sent from my throne to touch many lives and solve many problems for mankind in this hour. But it is only as you begin to understand the elegant value that I have placed in you, I am going to do something for you that is going to be eye-popping in your presentation of yourself this year saith the Lord. You are getting ready for the Masters use, and you will sit on the shelf. For this is the hour saith the Lord that you are going to discover that you are a useful and a distinctive gift that is waiting to come forth. Now is the hour of the unveiling as you are reading this personal prophecy concerning your life saith the spirit of the living God.”
Now that you have read the prophecy, I need to ask you another question. How do you see your life and to what standards do you live it? In order for you to be committed into something, you have to first look at the different sides of your life if you are indeed capable to do and have such a stand. In order for you to be accountable, you must first be honest with yourself. Through this introspection, you will be able to see the things that are hidden from your view or the things that you have set aside be resolve. Many people settle for mediocrity, and some died doing the cause of others, without experience of having to call the shots or own a course. If only they developed a better view of this self as being the person that they are committed to taking a stand and seeing their vision in life, then their lives could have been better remembered. For you to take a stand is to have a vision not just for your life but also for something bigger than yourself. Yet you first set your eyes to the effect that you want to see before you can act as the cause. These visions must be clear and specific enough for you to achieve. However, whether you perceive such wonderful visions in life, it is still undeniable that there are times that it becomes clouded due to the presence of doubts, fears, and intimidation and in adequacy that you also visualize. These negativity become helpful when you turn these limitations in the context on which you live your life. Letting go of these limited visions will surely strengthen your standing in life. In order for you to take a good stand; you must have the eyes that are focused on a great vision. Without a doubt you are called into a big vision, and I am calling you to take the opportunity of doing receiving a your personal prophecy today. Don’t go on wondering if you could have… I am here to tell you that you need to get ready for the real payoff when it comes:
- You will discover why people keep coming back in your life for more.
- You are going to discover the gifting service sitting in your life that is about to be born.
- It is not only a simple act, but it is a powerful act that is going to deliver to you maximum strain
So now, I want you to go ahead and click this link and Let the Prophets speak for your life! The word of the Lord boldly declares what will happen in your life when you simply believe the Prophet (II Chronicles 20:20). The power of prophecy will help you achieve the life you want when you follow the Prophet’s instructions. Go ahead and fill up the form now to receive your personal prophecy.
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