Why Does the World Need a Savior?

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Why Does the World Need a Savior?

Why Does the World Need a Savior?

The first question that needs to be answered is why does the world need a savior? Going back from the creation of mankind in the book of Genesis in the bible, God made Adam and Eve the ruler of the Garden of Eden. They were the free to manage all the creatures there and free to eat whichever food the wished to have. God provided everything to them except that He commanded them not to eat the fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. But Adam and Eve were disobedient and ate the fruit. Because of this, they were exposed to the reality of sin and such were the start of the rule of sin in man’s life. The sin committee by Adam and Eve gave birth to the sinful nature of man. Everyone became a nature born sinner and no one will ever be exempted from inheriting that nature. Because of what Adam and Eve had done in the Garden of Eden, the entire human race had been under the curse of sin – an eternal death penalty that no one can ever pay, not even the richest man on earth. God loved man dearly. He did not want mankind to perish and suffer the penalty of sin. But He was a just God and cannot tolerate sin. God’s just nature cannot just overlook and allow sin to do its way. Sin needs to be justified but God’s love and mercy to mankind was overwhelming. In order for sin to be forgiven, there must be a sacrifice. But the bible says that no one can ever pay for the penalty of sin because no one was acceptable to God. Not even one was found righteous. So God found a solution by substituting man with His Son, Jesus Christ. But for that to happen, Jesus needs to be human. The virgin birth was the answer – it made Jesus 100% human. Meaning, Jesus automatically became a man under the curse of sin, just like everyone else on earth. But because the conception was not made between two humans, Jesus retained his “godliness” and so he was 100% God. Because of the work of the Holy Spirit through Mary, Jesus did not inherit the sinful nature of man. This made him the only suitable candidate to face the penalty of sin and save the entire human race from eternal death. The virgin birth needed to happen so that Jesus can bring salvation to whole world.

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