What’s My Purpose?
Have you ever wondered what you were made to do? It’s like you know you should be doing something bigger and greater, but you can’t quite put your finger on it. Well your feelings and thoughts are absolutely right. You ARE made to do something great. The power of prophecy can reveal these things to you. God ordained you for a specific function. The reason you are on the earth is because of your assignment. You can have many different skills and abilities, but only one specific assignment. There is a specific gift or talent that God placed inside of you that God wants you to remember. Whenever you operate in this gift, people are amazed at your skill and ability, which is an expression of God. When you start to move in your assignment, you manifest your “I-Am-ness.” Are you ready to fulfill your purpose? It’s quite exciting isn’t it? Get your personal prophecy today and let the prophet reveal your gifts and skills that God has been waiting to give you.
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