What Love Can Do
What Love can do? Is a question we can all ask. Love is a very important feeling. God has taught us all how to love.God has shown His love for us and when He loves, it really lasts a lifetime. God is an expert of love. God never gives up in loving us despite of our weaknesses. Loves us unconditionally; God loves with no “ifs” and no “buts.” Most importantly, He does that without expecting something in return. God wants us to love. We should make God to be our inspiration in loving. The way God loves us must be our motivation in how we should love other people. Further, let us not forget how God has given His only son for us just to save us and to give us eternal life.Enjoying life is being accompanied by the knowledge of how to love genuinely. Life is about loving yourself, loving others, and loving God. Despite of anything else, love, perhaps, is the very important thing that one must do. Your life will not be complete without love. You must always have an open heart and never ran out of love. You must not restrict yourself to love. You have got to fall in love all over again. Love unconditionally just as how God has loved you. How have you loved others lately? Would you like to learn more about God’s true love? Click here and receive your personal prophecy now from God’s prophet.
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