We were Born in God
“Ye to all who did receive him,to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband’s but born of God.” (John 1:12-13) It is clearly not a physical birth, but a spiritual birth that is in mind, and it is something that is received by the person who believes in Him. The initiative in the new birth is with God.Without Christ we are spiritually dead in trespasses and sin. Every individual must be born again because the natural man is altogether void of spiritual life. We needdivine life, and that is what God provides through the new birth. The biblical doctrine of the new birth takes all the glory and initiative away from man and gives it all to God the Father. He alone is responsible for our salvation; therefore, He alone gets all the glory. He creates the new spiritual life within us and causes us to believe on Christ. God chooses to give us eternal life.We become a child of God when God gives us His life. It is an act of God. We receive tha life the moment we believe on Christ. It comes from God and is received only on the basis of God’s grace. Those who believe become God’s children. Only by receiving Christ do we gain the right to become a child of God. The word believing and receiving refer to the same operation of the Holy Spirit when a person ceases trusting in his own human merits and trust in Christ alone for salvation. Master Prophet believe that it is because of this new birth the individual is a changed person who loves the things he once hated, and hates the things he once loved. A radical change takes place in the heart of the believer. Learn how God created you through His word by talking to Master Prophet now and get your personal prophecy now.
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