There’s A Pruning For Fruitfulness On Its Way To You
Have you cried out unto the Lord to release something critical that has been tied up for way too long? Your cry for help hasn’t gone unheard because you’re about to see fruitfulness in this season!
God’s about to bring forth the fruit called SUPERNATURAL RELEASE through a pruning!
Lift your eyes unto the hills from which cometh your help and decree these abundant words of fruitfulness over your life:
“Dear Lord, I AM PRUNING MYSELF FROM DISBELIEF. I SEE myself as fruitful NOW, and that is who I AM! I HEAR your word declaring my fruitfulness NOW, and I am NOW assured that my supply is endless, inexhaustible, and immediate! All resistance to fruitfulness has dissolved in total grace, in the precious name of Jesus!”
The Lord says this is the season where you must allow God to prune you so that you can bear more fruit! What does this mean for you? Pruning is the removal of parts of plants, usually branches or branch tips, to relieve the burden on the remaining parts of the plant, to cut out diseased or broken parts, to increase the quantity and quality of flowers or fruits.
God is removing what is unproductive out of your life! Even as the Lord begins to prune you, He will cut off parts of your lifestyle that sap away your attention and energy that can be better channeled to bearing fruit for Him. There is pruning of character that is also about to take place, and it’s going to cause a fruitfulness of favor to appear!
The Lord says that as you begin to serve by faith in this season, your unlimited fruitfulness will be made manifest! God’s goodness shall start to overtake you even in your finances because FRUITFULNESS IS A KEY INGREDIENT IN YOUR WORD OF PROPHECY!
Don’t get stuck looking in the rearview mirror. Your past is the past. What God has for your future is hiding in this very moment of faith!
This season is your “PRUNING” SEASON where God is removing everything that is unfruitful out of your life so that you can walk in full fruitfulness. You will be able to
- Prune lack from your experience and make money your fruitful friend.
- Prune being broke and make fruitful sums of money.
- Prune sickness and make your way back to fruitful health.
- Prune hurt and deceit and have the fruitful relationships you long for.
- Prune average so you can walk in the fruitfulness of destiny.
Something that was hidden from you is about to be revealed in an extraordinary way that will bring you into a sincere fruitfulness of peace! The fruitful anointing of John 15:2 is going to be upon you and your household.
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