The Kingdom of God Will Always Reveal The Truth
The Kingdom of God will always reveal the truth no matter what lies mother nature tells you.
Have you ever said the following statements:
- “God will understand that I just can’t afford to give right now!”
- “God knows times are tough and we need the money!”
- “I promise I’ll just catch up in my giving to God next time!”
Those are the lies that mother nature tells you to make you believe it is the truth. She uses her influence to convince you of the lie that is your circumstances and this can be the very thing that will attempt to usher you into overall weakness including your physical health.
How can Mother Nature lie to you? By definition, Mother Nature is nature personified as a creative and controlling force. Whenever you are convinced of your circumstances and it places you in direct conflict with your I AM-ness. You have just allowed the creative and controlling force known as Mother Nature, to influence your actions.
Hard times may limit your giving (i.e. your giving may be less because your income is reduced), yet it should never stop your giving. People like to use hard times as an excuse to give up giving. However, this excuse is unacceptable to God. The truth is the refusal to give in hard times will only make your hard times harder!
The enemy called lack is about to be uncovered by the truth, which is the Kingdom of God in you!
Don’t be like other people who say,
“God will understand, He knows times are tough and we need the money.”
God sends a “secret message” to the enemy called lack when He replies, “Times are indeed tough, yet this is the best time to trust Me and let Me move. Let Me do something with your seed that you can’t do with your own power.”