Stomp Over Your Enemies Like The Giant You Are!

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Stomp Over Your Enemies Like The Giant You Are!

Stomp Over Your Enemies Like The Giant You Are!

You are made to be a giant to stomp over your enemies. Don’t be a dwarf-like the ones in the story of Snow White and the seven dwarfs. 


Ask yourself these questions: 


Are You Sleepy? (The dwarf who gives in to lethargy and allows your Divinity to remain asleep within)


Are you Grumpy? (The dwarf who can’t give praise unto the Lord because you’re too busy complaining about what you don’t yet have in life)


Are you Dopey? (The dwarf who constantly plays the fool in your dealings)


Are you Bashful? (The dwarf who doesn’t stand in the boldness of faith)


There are so many who are comfortable living in a dwarfed position in life where they remain comfortable. Have you adopted a dwarf mentality? You may be asking yourself, “What is a dwarf mentality?”


It’s when you’ve been conditioned to think small, desire little and put forth minimal effort towards manifesting your destiny! It also means that your faith is too small; that your commitment to the Lord is just too small; that your trust in God is very small; and that whatever you are facing in life seems so much greater than the God you serve that’s also supposed to be in you. 


The Lord says that during this Psalm 92 Miracle season, you must cease playing the dwarf and start playing the GIANT!  The Lord says, thinking small will only make you small! Hallelujah!


The truth is the “Dwarf Mentality” is the product of a lack of faith in God, an inability to trust God, hanging around with people who don’t serve God and people who continue to live in disobedience to God’s Word.


You’ve been tip-toeing through life among the dwarfs for far too long. Hallelujah! People who speak to your inadequacies over your confidence, individuals who point out your weaknesses over your strengths and persons who admire your failures over your triumph are dwarfing your mentality because God has called you to be a GIANT in your field of destiny!


The Lord says what separates the GIANTS from the dwarves is the fact that GIANTS take full accountability for their own lives. It is a pivotal season of triumph for you, yet it will only begin as you start to own your choices and be willing to take the necessary steps to improve upon them. 


The Lord says either you take accountability for your life, or someone else will, and when they do, you’ll become a slave to their ideas and dreams instead of the GIANT of your own. You are the only one who can directly control the outcome of your life. And no, it won’t always be easy.  

Every GIANT has a stack of obstacles in front of them they must stomp. You must take control situation by faith and overcome these obstacles. 


Choosing to remain dormant is choosing a lifetime of mere existence, and that is equivalent to living your life as a dwarf when God has called you to be a GIANT!  OH, GLORY, HALLELUJAH! I dare you to begin stomping your feet like the GIANT you are, wherever you are right now! Because

God has called you to STOMP over fear like a GIANT!

God has called you to STOMP over lack like a GIANT!

God has called you to STOMP over your enemies like a GIANT!

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