Blessed is he that readeth, and they that hear the words of this prophecy, and keep those things which are written therein: for the time is at hand. Revelation 1:3
It is seldom that we feel rejuvenated after a going through a bad relationship…
We all experience a situation of being so upset and disappointed with the people we’ve trusted most however, it is extremely inappropriate to keep yourself confined to your sadness just because of a unfavorable memory that you can’t seem to erase from your past. I felt the need to share with you this personally because you still believe that the person who made you feel so down still plays a huge role in your life.
It’s time you admit…
- At times, you’re afraid to move forward because of your past mistakes.
- You don’t want to be disappointed again because of your choices.
- You hesitate to take risks again because you know how the consequences of bad relationships could affect your life.
I am sharing this because often times, I am asked questions about people personal life concerning relationship and asked to give a personal prophecy only on there relationship concerning business, family or intimate relationships .( Yes, Your Personal Prophecy can Speak to it all).
You need to know that circumstances in your life just show up, you have to remember that keeping yourself from the opportunity to meet the right people is equivalent to closing a door full of gold in your home. I have a prophetic gold that is you golden opportunity to experience a fulfilling, memorable life with the right people who will help you discover the happiness you seek now.
It’s time you realize…
- Most successful relationships are founded on good friendship.
- Never attempt to fool yourself over relationships that aren’t working out.
- Physical attributes are likely to fade, so it’s a mistake to favor your biased preferences over the suitability partner in choosing the right people.
- Most successful relationships are founded on good friendship.
- Never attempt to fool yourself over relationships that aren’t working out.
- Physical attributes are likely to fade, so it’s a mistake to favor your biased preferences over the suitability partner in choosing the right people.
- You have to realize the REAL people who will always be there for you even in your “ups and downs”.
Don’t let your life become ruined because of your past relationships. Don’t waste this opportunity to hear from the prophet so you can have the wisdom to make the right choices. Your transformation will begin once you believe in the prophet. It’s oh so clear…
A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly: and there is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother. (Proverbs 18:24)
Now as a point of instant prophetic contact between you and the company of prophets today.
I want you to write down 5 things that you expect will happen about your relationships .Once you hear the words of your prophecy.Make sure you have this list you have written 5 things.
Now, say you want to speak to a prophet concerning your personal relationship you can request a one-on-one with a prophet. You can speak with a prophet one-on-one because the awesome potential for the company of prophets to reveal the precise keys to your transformation can be discovered right through a simple phone call.
Fill out the Form on the side to request your personal prophecy which is free to you and others.
When you request your personal Prophecy for a prophet to call one-on-one, you will receive an email of your prophecy in 3-5 days. I can also have a prophet call you today with a faith seed donation for $37.00 Click here for $37.00
- A personal one-on-one phone call with a true prophet that will reveal secrets about your life and also solutions to your troubles.
- You will finally be receptive to relax because you’ll finally have real-life personal answers to your most troublesome questions in this season concerning anything.
- You will also receive another exhilarating word of prophecy on MP3 or CD (CD upon request) exclusively from I the Master Prophet himself.
- The Master Prophet has over 25 plus years of experience prophesying into the lives of super-entertainers, politicians, royal families, and ordinary people alike. This makes him Your Most Trusted Name in prophecy worldwide and there’s no one who knows prophecy better!
- With all this powerful prophetic experience at your disposal, you will finally know your real purpose and you will discover real answers in this season because you won’t have any situation, circumstance or problem too big or too small for God to solve through His life-changing word.
You can request a Free Personal Prophecy today and share with others the Power of Prophecy
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