Your Personal Prophecy allows you to hear from God.
Most Christian are facing every day with the difficult task of making decisions. And those who have ask Jesus to be Lord over our life desire to know that we are walking in the will of God. Bibles gives us principles and general instruction about how to live our life. And when it comes to making specific decisions about critical areas of our life, the Scripture is not always able to speak precisely to our circumstances. Bishop Jordan believes that God can communicate with any believers through the Bible, and directly to us through the Holy Spirit. As God did with Adam and eve in the cool of the day, God desires to have a daily personal relationship with each God children. But not all Christian understand how to recognize the voice of the Lord. They are like Samuel the boy prophet who though he was hearing the voice of his master, Eli when it was really God speaking to his heart. And even Christians who knows how to hear His voice at times may not respond to Him in a biblical manner. And sometimes the circumstances of life can be so stressful and confusing that a believers needs outside confirmation to know for certain what God is saying to us. The Personal prophecy is the one of the keys of God’s guidance that can bring that confirmation. “All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness.” (2 Timothy 3:16)
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