Nine Stages of Manifestation Are Coming Your Way

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Nine Stages of Manifestation Are Coming Your Way

Nine Stages of Manifestation Are Coming Your Way

There are nine stages of manifestation that is coming your way. 


Based on the following scripture, the Lord says it will start to bring the desired changes in your life:


“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not anything made that was made.” (John 1:1-3)


The Lord says you are only one thought away from your next miracle during this Psalm 92 Miracle season! 


You must participate in this Psalm 92 Miracle blessing season because your faith is going to begin to set you on the right course that will help you overcome your current challenges! Hallelujah! If that weren’t enough, the Lord has released 9 PROPHETIC VISIONARY KEYS for you to know that will transform what appears to look like a disaster, into a miracle! WOW!


There are nine stages of manifestation coming your way, and you must understand the necessary steps you will have to take. The truth is you live in a place, and if you don’t understand the place you live in (which is within you), you will always be a day late and a dollar short in manifesting your dreams and vision! WOW and WOW! 


As you participate in faith and allow the God in you to do the work of the Holy Spirit, you will begin to ascend in your life in the presence of your enemies mightily! OH, GLORY, HALLELUJAH!


Here are the 9 PROPHETIC VISIONARY KEYS for you to know:

Every great miracle begins with an invisible picture of what is desired.

Until you can respect what you are given, you won’t receive more!

Understand the power of seeing, and you’ll understand having and being.

You can only be to the degree that you see!

Every false belief acts as truth until the truth neutralizes it!

Wealth will never be attained in isolation!

The Holy Spirit is your creator and your being.

The God in you is greater than any circumstance outside of you.

Until you can see beyond where you are, you will remain where you are.

The Lord says that you are about to give birth to something miraculous! The difference between your dream living and dying is dependent upon what you do in obedience concerning this anointing!


Begin to decree and declare three times now,




As you release your faith today, I ask that you lift your hands wherever you are right now, because I even see the hand of God touching the heart of someone in your family, who is battling some heart infirmity! The Lord says that as you begin to step out in faith today, healing is going to start to manifest itself within your household! Supernatural changes are on the way, saith the Lord! Hallelujah! These 9 PROPHETIC VISIONARY KEYS are about to bring you into a greater awareness like never before! Your angel of inspiration is about to visit your home mightily!


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