Master Intuition Through Prophecy
When the Spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth, for he will not speak on his own authority, but whatever he hears he will speak, and he will declare to you the things that are to come. John16:13, NIV Do not waste the capabilities of your intuition by opting not to apply the options it offers you. Acknowledge it as much as you can and it will develop better choices for you. When you pay attention to your intuition you slowly start to become more connected with yourself, your goals as well as the world around you. Making the right decisions is all about processing all the information that is presented to you as well. A stronger connection with your own feelings can lead to a clearer view on the possible outcomes of your choices. And your personal prophecy will enable you to gain this deep connection with your feelings. When your intuition tells you that one choice is better over another, you usually use your imagination to examine its suggested outcome. Your imagination investigates on the opinions of your intuition. If you develop a powerful imagination you can really place yourself in future situations and assess how effective your intuition is. It is a creative form of focus. The more you examine possible outcomes through imagining, the more information you collect for your intuition. DO you want to master your intuition? Do you wish you could trust it with all your heart? You can do so by receiving your free written prophecy! It will let your learn more about yourself and how God has beautifully designed you. Click here to speak to a prophet today.
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