Life Isn’t Unfair
“Life is unfair.” A very common phrase I hear from people everywhere who are knocked out with so much hurts and frustrations in life, not to mention that I often hear this famous phrase from my friends, each time they come to me and share their troubles and burdens. Hearing such phrase over and over again makes me wonder and think of it deeply… was life really unfair? I’ve searched so much for the answer to such question that even on my own mishaps, hurts, and frustrations, I asked myself if life was really what they say it was. And, I realized it wasn’t. Life is not unfair, and it never was. Too many of us and too many times we complain of how unfair our lives go; of how unfair it was, simply because it didn’t go into how we want and planned it to be. Worse, we tend to blame God for making life so unfair for us- on our own perspective. In my life’s journey, I realized that the unfairness that many of us consider, is actually God’s way of reminding us that life don’t always go to how we planned it to be, but according to how our loving Creator have designed it. Everything that happens in each day, no matter how bad it is, is all part of God’s magnificent plan for us to become a better person in each day. And during the times that we feel so helpless, it is when He is at work in us, for us to make His light shine through us and let others know that our God is alive in us. The next time you say life is unfair, check it once more. If you find yourself having nothing to eat no matter how you work hard; when you are in so much debt despite having a good and permanent job; when you found yourself having nothing to wear, then that is definitely the time you can say that life is unfair to you.
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