So there we are, the only believer of Jesus in our whole house. None of our family wants to experience Jesus as their Savior, even after we have ministered to them time and time again. They clearly see God working in our life, they see him answering our prayers and blessing us, but still will not turn away from their sinful life style and follow Christ. Over a period of time hatred begins to build within the home and it is focused at you but not on us. We see, it is the God in us that sinners hate, not necessarily us, but we still face the persecution. Now the house feels like it is divided, the believer and the non-believers. We begin to feel smothered, choked out, like our zeal is literally being drained being around them. Here is what we do, keep praying for their salvation. Surround our self with fellowship by mingling with the body of Christ. Master Prophet said we have to depend on our brothers and sisters in Christ to stay afloat in a home like this until our family finds salvation. Keep an open hot line to God going 24/7, open prayer. Pray under our breath if we have to. The key is persistence, continue to maintain our walk in Christ and be an example of the believers we need to be one day. Pray, pray, pray! Let God have that door to move in and make a difference in the lives of those we love. Eventually something will click inside of them and they will be standing beside us praying for the salvation of the rest of the household. To learn more about Zoe Ministry and God’d will for you. Talk to Master Prophet Bishop Bernard Jordan now. “Listen my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching.” (Proverbs 1:8)
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