Don’t Let The Enemy Take Your Stuff And Keep It
Far too often we allow the enemy to infiltrate our lives and destroy the very thing that God placed in us to be successful. As a result of the enemy’s craftiness, it seems like everything we touch falls apart. We have become so discouraged by the negative sequence of events in our lives that it has left our hearts sad, and the only question that we keep asking is, “When will it be my turn?” You have seen others around us advancing and acquiring their hearts’ desires, but for some reason, you feel that life is passing you by.
The enemy is constantly trying to remind us of our failures and everything that has gone wrong in our lives. We may even be at the point of almost giving up. The Lord says, “Don’t be discouraged. I am strengthening you in the process.” The enemy is trying his best to distract us from receiving our inheritance from the Lord. Let’s declare that won’t happen! There is a way of escape that God has created for us!
The Bible teaches us, “to everything, there is a season and a time…”(Ecclesiastes 3:1)– time for success, time for breakthrough, a time for joy, a time for peace, a time for happiness, and yes, even time for trouble. Don’t get so caught up in the present circumstances that we fail to understand what is happening in between (the process).
Cast Down the Spirit of Discouragement
Family, God has placed the Master Prophet, in our lives to cast down the spirit of discouragement that are trying to rob us of our future. He needs to reveal to us exactly what God is doing in our lives in the midst of the process. He is ready to go and prepare a place for us where the enemy cannot touch us. But we need to believe the prophet! He need our faith to be in action.
The power of prophecy is correcting a misunderstanding that has lasted over years. What the enemy meant for evil, God is going to turn it into a blessing. We need to get full of the feeling that all things are possible.
There are some blessings that God wants us to apprehend now! There are some blessings that God has for you right this very minute! No more waiting, no more crying, no more worrying. It’s time to do something!
“Don’t let the fear of yesterday hold you back. Never let the disappointments of an old season keep you chained to a past. Don’t let yesterday’s news interrupt your manifestation season.”
Refuse to allow the enemy to keep what rightfully belongs to us! Healthy relationships, money, divine health, happiness, and peace are rightfully ours! Whatever we lost unlawfully, whatever was snatched out of our hands, whatever was stolen from us, believe that God will give us the power to TAKE IT BACK!
It is crucial to our financial future that we tap into the anointing. What God is about to release to us will seem impossible, but God can do the impossible!