Demonstrating Love Through Obedience

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Demonstrating Love Through Obedience

Demonstrating Love Through Obedience

Obedience, although difficult, is a way to demonstrate your love to your parents. You do not only obey your parents just for the sake of following traditions, but because you know that obedience is the right thing. The Apostle Paul said to the church in Ephesus, “Children, obey your parents because you belong to the Lord, for this is the right thing to do.”

So when was the last time you obeyed your parents without hesitation? When was the last time you obeyed your parents for the sole reason that you love them and you want to honor them? Life is short to be spent on things that can damage your family. Life is too short to be spent offending your parents.

Listen to the teachings of the Apostle Paul. Obey your mother and father. Not only because it is good. Not only because the elders told you so. Not only because tradition and religion say so. But because you know in your heart that obedience is right and it is through this that your parents can feel your love for them. Most importantly, obedience is God’s command and by doing this, you are obeying God. The bible says, “Children, always obey your parents, for this pleases the Lord.” You only have one life to live and you sure do not want to waste time disobeying the man and woman who gave you the best things in life.

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