Are You Called To Prophesy? What Is In Your Hand?

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Are You Called To Prophesy? What Is In Your Hand?

Are You Called To Prophesy? What Is In Your Hand?

Do you focus on what you don’t have rather than what you do have?

The 10th Commandment for Finding The Power of Prophecy says that until you discover what is in your hands, you will walk in lack.

God Already Provided What You Need

Everything that you need is already within you. The supply that you are going after is not outside yourself, it is within. Most people look outside of themselves to find their treasure, not realizing that their treasure is on the inside of them.

Once you discover that, you will never want for anything another day of your life. That is by far one of the most revealing truths concerning you. Life is all about discovery and discovering God in you.

There Is No Lack of Supply In Any Natural Resource

People may present false information to deceive you into believing that there is a shortage, but don’t believe the lie.

There is no shortage of anything. There is no shortage of food in the world. That is why the condition of hunger in the continent of Africa is embarrassing and shameful.

There is enough food in New York City to supply the entire continent of Africa with food for years. Africa has enough diamonds in its land that if African people were able to mine their own land, they would become the richest people on the earth. Unfortunately, what you do not know how to mine, someone else will, even without your permission.

Know Your Worth

There are people who look at you and see more value in you than you see in yourself. If anybody should know how much you are worth, it should be you. You have to mine your land. You have to mine the diamonds in your mind. Mine your mind! When you do that, you will quickly discover that you have never had an internal recession.

What You Have Is Already Enough

As long as you know and can properly discern and use what is in your hand, you will never need anything in life. You will recognize that you are the supply that you need.

Whenever you are in your lowest point in life and it seems like you cannot make it, or it seems like you are at your last, that is when you need to look at what is already in your hands.

What so many people fail to realize is that what you have right now is enough. It is just the right amount to produce more in your life. You always have more than you actually realize.

God Wants You to Be His Voice

Moses was a great man, leader, and deliverer. God did not care about what was in Moses’ mouth. God does not care about what is in any prophet’s mouth. The reason is that God wants to be in your mouth.

He wants to be your voice. Let God speak through you. Let Him do the work so you don’t have to. That is the job of the prophet, to allow God to speak through them and declare His mind to the people.

Every prophet has something in his or her hand. It is your job to find out what it is and then declare the thing that is in your hand. That thing is the thing that will cause riches to come in your life like you’ve never dreamed before. Moses had a staff in his hand.

God is now saying, the thing that worked against you is now going to work for you. Hallelujah! You’ve got something in your hand that will cause people to believe God. You just have to use it! Stop looking for more until you use what you already have!

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